Proving no one is safe, America’s chief banker, Ben Bernanke, becomes a...
It was revealed this week that Ben Bernanke, head of the Federal Reserve, and his wife, head of Ben Bernanke, were victims of identity theft last year. Ann Bernanke was at a Starbucks when her purse...
View ArticleHere’s a switch: woman steals nanny’s identity
When you hear stories that involve identity theft between a woman and her nanny, one would normally draw the conclusion that the nanny is stealing from the mother. Most likely visions of Rebecca De...
View ArticleLifeLock – the cost of one lunch per month
Although not a physical crime, identity theft can hurt. It saps the victim’s time, money and productivity when having to deal with setting things right. Studies have also shown that time directly...
View ArticleFTC delays the enforcement of Red Flag Rules once again
The Federal Trade Commission once again prolonged the institute of the “Red Flag Rules” for businesses this month. The “Red Flag Rules” were part of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of...
View ArticleTheft ring arrest investigator warns: Take care of your personal information
New York City police arrested 26 people recently, most of whom are natives of Nigeria, who were reportedly involved in an identity theft ring that was able to steal at least $5 million using the...
View ArticleLifeLock brings peace of mind for a bargain
If you pay attention to the odds, you come to realize that it’s a very real possibility that you could become a victim of identity theft. What can you do to prevent it? And if you do fall victim, how...
View ArticleCheck scams – learn to know them when you see them
Roberta is an older woman who lives alone, and who lives on a fixed income. She pinches every penny until Lincoln begs for mercy. So she was super excited to receive a check in the mail, along with a...
View ArticleWhen traveling and using free Wi-Fi, always err on the side of caution
In today’s digital society, most people can’t live without their smartphones, laptops and tablets. Even on vacation. Connecting to Wi-Fi hotspots in airports, hotels and cafes is an easy way to keep in...
View Article12 Days of LifeLock
On the first day of Christmas, LifeLock gave to me, the peace of mind my info is safe. On the second day of Christmas, LifeLock gave to me, monitoring and e-mail alerts, and the peace of mind my info...
View ArticleDon’t get victimized by one of the ‘Dirty Dozen’
The IRS has released its annual Dirty Dozen ranking of tax scams, and is reminding taxpayers to use extra caution during tax season when there is seemingly a multitude of identity thieves looking to...
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